Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day

Well, it's Mothers Day..
This is a hard day for me to get through. I gave birth to four beautiful babies.. 2 sons of which I don't have contact with. My daughter, who is struggling and is the bravest young woman I know. She has been robbed of her innocence but living her life. Trust is an issue and won't let anyone too close.
I THANK GOD ABOVE, for my youngest daughter who's love is the only thing that makes life bearable for me..
I Loved each of them with all my heart. No, it wasn't perfect. We had our ups and downs.. but
I never knew about what was going on in a secret world that my husband had.
I can't go back and change anything.. though I wish I could.
I can't take their pain away, though I wish I could.
I'm helpless and that is not where a Mother will ever "Choose" to be.
Mom's want to make everything alright.. better.
I can't.
I have to sit back and wait.. watch.
I know what my Children have gone through is what is responsible for this situation.
 It's not their fault.
they are innocent.
and they don't see, don't understand.. that I am too.
I would have, could have, changed it all...
if I ever had the chance.
My NOT knowing..
 isn't their fault either..
of coarse he knew they wouldn't tell.
Children will never tell..
Only ONE is responsible for this
This is my prayer on this "Mothers Day."

I love YOU.
 I know your my loving Father who watches over my life.
I know that you protect me and guide me
because I seek you.
 I know and have faith that you can use all of these past events and have them glorify your name.
Bad things can have a purpose.
I know that my children know you.
They have been in your house many times listening to your words preached to them.
Your word NEVER comes back void.
I pray and ask LORD,
that you touch those seeds that were planted in their souls.
Water those seeds through others that know you.
A passing Road Sign directing them toward you.
Books, words or even a television show.
Anything what might spark and awaken this waiting seed.
May this be the beginning of YOUR AWESOME healing  power in my children's lives.
That they become close to you to know what a TRUE LOVING FATHER really is...
I ask this in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST..