Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I'm up early to start cooking, well, baking anyway. I'm going to attempt to bake zucchini bread.  Than I'm going to start the stuffing!
 My daughter (the baby, my youngest child) and family are heading down and we are all going to my sisters for the day. 
My oldest daughter is working so she is not going to be able to join us for dinner. I was hopping that she would be able to come for a while, a short visit before work.. but so far, no commitments on her end. Last year, my son-in-law and my grandson came for dinner.. that was a step toward healing..
 I pray that the same might happen this year. No pressure, just prayer. :) 
 No progress on my son's..
 I keep praying for them too! 
The Holidays are always a tough time for me to get through. It's some better with the birth of my granddaughters whom I get to be a part of. They rock my world and I love to spend time with them.
 I'm so THANKFUL for the JOY they bring!
 Children are a BLESSING!
I'm so THANKFUL that my sister is clear from cancer this year, and that we get to spend time together!
I'm THANKFUL for my Mom.. she is hanging in there and able to remain in her home the way she desires.. may all her dreams come true!
I'm THANKFUL for my baby girl, who is always there for me! I love her dearly!
Thank YOU LORD, for all my BLESSINGS!

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