Where has time gone? The days are turning into weeks, the weeks into months...
The last two months have been filled with my Mom being admitted into the hospital. She developed pneumonia and as a result it directly contributed to an abnormal heart rhythm that will never go away. She is on oxygen 24/7 and uses a walker now that she never used before. I've seen her go from an independent woman to on who is frail and in danger when she is alone. Although this is not something I would have wanted to experience.. I'm blessed to be right here with her going though this together.
She is my Mom..
My days have been filled with reading books. Seems I have stuck with one Author.. I like many others, but she is familiar. Seems I need familiar, so, I'm sticking with the need.
I have also spent time on the computer, endlessly looking up arbitrary things to amuse myself.. pass the time...
My Sister brought me some acrylic paints, brushes and paper for me to paint. I've painted several paintings and looking forward to many more. It's very relaxing...
I'm not into television.. movies once in a while.
I also picked up some earpieces for my phone so I can listen to some radio programs that will encourage me and keep my spiritual growth filled as well as my strength leaning on Jesus.. my FAITH.
I'm looking forward to days spent outside in the SONshine working in the garden with the flowers while my Mom dozes in the fresh air.
I'm also looking forward to spending time with my Granddaughter Abigail...
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