The renters had an old postal box unit thrown down on the dirt and some of the boxes had the doors pried open and thrown all over the field. I called the Sheriffs department to come and see if it was stolen. The Deputy that came out to the property, said he didn't get any kind of vibe off it.. looked like they had gotten it from a salvage lot. He didn't know why the doors were pried off though. kind of weird, he said.
But the GREAT thing is, he ended up liking the cabin so much he wanted to rent it with his partner. Really nice guys. I'm so blessed to have gotten the clean up and a new renter in the amount of time that I had.
My Mom stayed with my sister and her family. She did well and I know it was a long trip.. but at least it's done and over.
I'm back, now.. exhausted.. but actually doing well. I didn't get a flare, which is amazing with all the physical parts of the clean up. The weather was awful, as you can see in the picture.. it even snowed! I had the normal pain, but no big deal. I think I have more pain this morning, my first night back than I did the whole trip.
This bed isn't the most comfortable.. plus, the dogs and cats were really insecure and wanting to be right next to me.. they take up the whole space on the bed! Blankets too!
Lots of things to get done today... mail is piled high. At least I don't have to water the plants outside.. the rain has taken care of that.. Normal clean up inside.. and some clean up from the rain storms outside..
I miss my daughter and my granddaughters.. Abby, waking me up in the morning.. our time together, before everyone else wakes up. Isabelle is starting to coo and talk to you and it's so adorable.. her expressions of joy and wonder and all the new things in her world.
The tough part of my life in LIMBO, is missing so many things.
My animals at the ranch, they miss me. My dogs would follow me everywhere. They never left my side. When I was leaving, they all tried to get in the truck. Annie, wouldn't get out of my cottage. Mama kitty gave me big hugs and kisses on my neck. I pray that the LORD will watch over them and bless them for all the sacrifice they are making so that I can be here with my Mom..
My daughter especially.. lots of extra care of animals for her and she can't do it all.
I brought Norma Jean back with me.. she is chewing on her front legs so bad. She needs to have them clean and bandaged daily. I'm not sure how to get her to stop chewing them once they heal. I pray that the LORD will give me wisdom..